BioEnergy is an integral therapy, because we look for the solution to the suffering in the mental, physical, emotional, chemical, energetic and habits areas on all fronts. Through all the tangible and intangible planes of the human being, we manage to recover the patient's health. BioEnergy is a 100% natural and holistic therapy, because no medications, food supplements or industrialized products are prescribed. The only thing we do is natural energy therapies, life advice and a diet based on natural foods, with the aim of restoring the body's bioelectric and natural system so that it heals itself.



Everything has its origin or background to exist; Through questions and deep investigation, the root of the disease is sought, it is necessary to find the catalyst that generates the disease, only in this way can we cure the patient from the bottom up. Once knowing the root cause, we do a mental correction training to think and act positively in order to heal internally and attract all the good that the patient wants in his life.




We use this method to align the spinal column from the top of the brain to the coccyx, in order to decompress the 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae and 5 lumbar vertebrae to release the stuck energy and all the nerves that regulate the body systems are arranged so that everything flows correctly. Alphabiotics physically aligns the entire spine so that body energy is balanced in both hemispheres of the brain, all hormones are released naturally and the body is in a straight posture and without pain




This therapy is to look for trapped emotions that are affecting the patient's mind and body. These emotions that came to occur from conception to adult life and that were a hard blow, get stuck in the form of energy at some point in the body and this, over time, begins to generate pain or some disease. What we do is look for what that emotion is and when it occurred to release it from the body and not affect it anymore. Walls of the heart are also sought that do not allow living with love, peace, happiness, harmony and fullness.




Our entire body is made of atoms charged with energy, each organ or body part has its natural chemistry or neutral pH to live in perfect health, when that pH is unbalanced, that is when diseases are born. With the use of magnets placed at certain points on the body, the proper bioelectricity and frequency is sent to bring the pH back to its ideal state and the body returns to optimal health. This magnetic energy also helps to regulate the glands, relieve pain and restore circulation to all body systems.




Our body and soul are in constant connection, one on the physical plane and the other on the spiritual plane, they are connected by 7 energetic points or chakras that govern our life, when one of these chakras is closed or misaligned, life does not flow in peace. With the hands of the therapist, the 7 chakras are aligned and those that are closed are opened so that the patient is connected with his soul and all the information and divine energy runs through his body and mind.




One has to change their habits and customs so that their health changes. The body is asked what type of fruits, vegetables and seeds it should eat, what type of food it needs, what liquids and drinks to drink, what vices to eliminate, how many hours and type of exercise to do, what meditation to practice, what genre of music to listen to. and what kind of entertainment to watch and read. All in order that the healing of health is fast and permanent for a long time.


This type of therapy is NOT shamanism, herbal healing, tarot or spiritual channeling. Medications are also not prescribed. What the therapist advises are only holistic habits and a reprogramming of positive thoughts. The therapy is done lying down, the tracking is done with closed and clean shoes, and the placement of the magnets is done above the clothes. The therapist has the ethics of confidentiality of each user respecting their data, results, evolution, information, etc.

What is the benefit of BioEnergy?


- Helps to cure mental and physical illnesses.

- Improves fertility to procreate children.

- Facilitates the rehabilitation of muscle pain.

- Regulates the immune system.

- Avoid infectious-contagious diseases.

- Avoid chronic degenerative diseases.

- Improves metabolism.

- Avoid tumor diseases and intoxication.

- Avoid psycho-emotional illnesses.

- Improves blood circulation.

- Helps the body restore its proper pH.

- Detoxifies harmful effects of vaccines.

- Stimulates to generate antibodies for Covid-19.

 - Improves health due to consequences of Covid-19.



® Aaron Sepcan 2020 / All rights reserved

 / Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Web Page created by: Sepcan®